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At Lenox Bureau de Change, we are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of our fellow Tanzanians and global citizens through our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. With a profound belief that we are mere custodians of this world, entrusted with the responsibility to leave it in a better state for future generations, we allocate 5% of every Tzs 100 of profit, after fulfilling all compliance payments required by law, towards initiatives aimed at transforming livelihoods and fostering positive change.


Our CSR endeavors span a wide spectrum of areas, including healthcare, financial literacy education, environmental conservation, and much more. Through strategic partnerships and impactful projects, we strive to address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, contributing to the creation of a better world for all.


In healthcare, we support initiatives that improve access to quality healthcare services, promote disease prevention, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, our commitment to financial literacy education aims to empower individuals with essential financial skills and knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions and achieve financial independence.


Furthermore, we are dedicated to environmental conservation efforts that protect and preserve our natural resources for future generations. From tree planting initiatives to waste management programs, we actively work towards creating a more sustainable and resilient environment.


At Lenox Bureau de Change, we recognize that our actions today shape the world of tomorrow. By embracing our responsibility to contribute positively to society and the environment, we aspire to leave a lasting legacy of compassion, integrity, and sustainability. Together, let us work towards building a brighter future for our fellow Tanzanians, global citizens, and generations to come

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